Succulent Care Instructions
Succulents like bright light. Near a South or West facing windowsill is best, but they also thrive under grow lights. If moving outdoors, move gradually into full sun to prevent “Sunburn”.
In general, water your succulents one or two times a month. Overwatering will kill them much faster than not watering enough.
Succulents like to be soaked thoroughly but to dry out quickly and stay dry for a long time afterwards (think of a quick soaking rain in the desert a few times a year). Water each plant generously, but not too often. They store water in their leaves and can survive long periods without watering. They are planted in a specially formulated potting mix that ensures fast drainage.
Unlike your other house plants, don’t put your succulents on a watering schedule. A good generality is about once or twice a month, but their watering needs will depend on light, temperature, season and variety of succulent. Some types of succulents tend to be thirstier than others. In general, the chunkier the leaf, the less often it will need water.
Get to know your plants and their signs of thirst. This is the absolute best way to guarantee thriving succulents! For most succulents, watch for wrinkling and softening of bottom leaves. For “string” varieties, watch for “windows” (little lines) on each leaf closing up and indenting. Note: If you have multiple varieties of succulents planted together, you may need to water them at different times (make sure you are watering the soil around the base of the plant so the roots can absorb the water).
When in doubt, hold off on watering for a little longer. Succulents can recover from dehydration better than from overwatering.
Succulents drink from their bottom leaves. Yellowing and browning bottom leaves are normal as water is depleted from each leaf. If the leaves are translucent or falling off the plant, this is a sign of overwatering.